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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

London Type Smog

About one hundred years ago, London, England was a dark and dirty environment. The result of this gloominess was London Type Smog. London Type Smog is a combination of smoke and fog formed when particles in coal smoke and water droplets in humid air.

What is the issue?
You may ask. Back in the day, factories burned coal, and most houses were heated and used with coal. This caused the air to have soot, in which caused the air to be cold. Now, a likely reaction is burn more coal. With that, the smog got worse. This issue became worse when people's lungs filled up with the particles and gave many diseases such as, lung disease. People started having chest pain and bad coughs. By then, all the citizens of London, England knew that this had to end. Today, people in London burn much less coal. As a result, the air became more clean than it was in the early days.


Kailah B HS Tech said...

Your paragraph was very informational. The main difference between our two pollutions is acid rain is still existant in the united states where as Londan-type smog is not.

Merrillye's 8th Grade Page said...


Your paragraph on London Type Smog had many differences and similarities compared to mine. Although London Type Smog and Acid Rain both contributed to pollution by burning a lot of coal, London Type Smog gave people lung diseases and cancer. Acid Rain contaminated the water which made plants, fish, amphibians, and other animals suffer and die.

Brooke's 8th Grade Page said...

Hi Brittanie! Interesting post, I found it to be very interesting. Some differences between you type of smog and mine would be that yours is that yours is caused by moisture and coal in the air; while mine is caused by gases and sunlight forming the smog. Also yours was harming people very badly and causing diseases while mine harms people but probably not to that extent. Mine just causes irritation but can harm plants and animals badly. Overall nice post I enjoyed reading it!

Max kole Mcinnis said...

I enjoyed reading about London type smog. It is very interesting how the air could get so polluted. I would never have guessed that this happened. I think it is interesting that coal was used so much in the olden days. I think photochemical is the present day London smog. But photochemical smog is made from pollution but is not caused by coal. I think they both are very bad and we should cut down out pollution in our community.

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