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Monday, September 15, 2008


You'd think that your eyes just see the simple things, but have you thought of where it goes whether it's farther out or farther in? The book, Zoom, was about going further out, in which started out with a comb of a rooster, to a plastic toy set on a bill-board, pasted on a bus for advertisment, on a t.v in a desert, watched by a man, printed on a postage stamp, sent to jamacia on a letter, seen by people who are watched by a piliot flying above the seas, and ending to a small dot of the earth. By seeing each picture, your mind predicts something as simple as a rooster's comb that was built into going outside the galaxy!

When i'm watching a show on t.v and i get amazingly bored, i do something that's called "teasing the eyes." I simply make a circle with my middle and thumb finger and put them together. Then, I put it close to my eye and look through it towards the t.v to see a certain pert of the larger picture. It could be part of someones shirt or even an eye off a face. Prespective is an optical illusion.You never know what your looking at.

A cell scientist might be interested in a close up prespective, and a astronomer might be interested in a further prespective. Close-up data is when you can go inside something, such as, the human body. A broader prespective you see what can be inside other things. An example would be, the world or galaxy. You'd zoom out untill finally our giant world turns into a speck surrounded by black night of stars. It's very important to be aware of prespective because, you can only be so sure that the picture you see might have more than what it sends out.

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